Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Soundtrack Options & Choice

Finding appropriate sound effects proved to be a bit difficult at first as many samples did not sound realistic or authentic. 

Despite these issues, all sound effects were copyright free and downloaded from YouTube - apart from dialogue "Jenna" used (diegetic synchronous voice-over) because their was more clarity in recording dialogue separately and then pasting it into the scene - finding music instead of creating music was a much quicker process. 

The background music (non-diegetic asynchronous) was found on a useful website called Purple Planet where there was a variety of different themed soundtracks to choose from. This made it easier to find suitable music for our production as I quickly found a copyright free piece from SoundCloud called 'Desolation' that was located in the horror section. Although it was found under horror, the slow and gradual incline in volume will create an eerie and intense atmosphere in our opening scene - a sense that something bad is bound to happen.

All sound used (both natural and computer generated, vocal and instrumental) will add layers of tension and a real sense of danger in our production, hopefully helping audience members identify it as a film in the thriller genre - not just a movie clip.

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