Friday, 14 April 2017

Editing of Video logos

To make our chosen video logo we used 2 programs: Serif Drawplus X6 and Serif Movieplus X6

We used these two programs as they are simple, easy to use and offer everything we needed to edit and create our Video logos.

Serif Drawplus:

We used serif drawplus to draw the logo as seen in the pencil versions. We then decided to put it on a black background.  This was to make sure the video logo was not too big and was centred in the middle of the screen.

We then decided what movements we wanted to happen. So with ETR productions we wanted the blocks to appear 1 by 1 and the letters to follow after with a subtle entrance but we wanted it to dissapear in a extravagant fashion. We decided to enter with a fade and exit with a spin.

With Barnhouse Productions we wanted a lot of focus to be on the picture however we didn't want them to miss the text. So we decided on a subtle exit but an extravagant entrance. We decided to enter with a zoom and exit with a fade.

Once we put it all together we exported it as a whole file and uploaded them to youtube.

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